
How to earn money facebook

ab dosto facebook sy b paise kamayo Before making money through Facebook, it is important to know that earning here depends on fame.  That is, the more fame, the more money.  If there is no fame, there is no money, so it is not difficult to make a reputation before earning, but it takes hard work.  Provide good content to your friends on a daily basis.  Gradually people will come to know you.  When your followers or your page's likes reach at least five thousand, then think about making money. Here are four ways to make money through Facebook, with some detail In affiliate marketing   The most popular way to make money from Facebook is affiliate marketing.  There are many websites on the internet that sell things online.  These websites need people who can promote their products on social networking sites.  In return, these websites pay them a commission.  Remember that this commission is not just for Facebook.  If one of your followers or page likes buys within a certain period of

Earn money online

 today I'm going to show you how you can  00:01  start a website that makes $40,000 per  00:04  month and we're starting right now  00:07  [Music]  00:10  what is up my name is Chris welcome to  00:13  another video if this is your first time  00:15  here and you want to make money online  00:16  not just a little bit of money but a lot  00:19  of money be sure to hit that subscribe  00:20  button then take that bill icon next to  00:22  it so you don't miss anything and before  00:25  we get started down in the description I  00:27  have put my number one recommendation  00:28  for making money online it is a free  00:31  video series that if you follow it  00:33  step-by-step you will have the potential  00:36  of replacing your income totally with an  00:38  online business so be sure to go check  00:41  it out down in the description okay I am  00:43  really excited about what we're going to  00:45  be talking about today how to start a  00:47  website that makes $4